Healthy People 2020 find ways through research to help Americans improve their
health. Healthy People’s mission is to get the public aware and to understand the causes
of diseases and disabilities and help prevent them (HP 2020, 2018). This paper will focus
on oral health in school aged children. Public health encourages good oral health as part
of overall health. Good oral health indicates that teeth, gums and oral mucosal tissue are
intact and free of disease. Oral health is important for all ages, but it’s important to start
good oral health as a child when primary teeth develop. An important public health issue
in school aged children is dental decay (CDC, 2019).
Overview, Background and Significance
According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tooth
decay is more common chronic childhood disease than asthma (CDC, 2019).
Enamel defects are caused by high acidity in our mouths that can produce bacteria and
can breakdown the tooth enamel causing cavities. Foods high in carbohydrates can cause
demineralization of the outer coating of the tooth or the root surface. Two thirds of school
aged children are affected by tooth decay as it is one of the most common chronic disease
of childhood. When tooth decay is left untreated or has poor oral health care, can lead to
malnourishment, missed school, depression, and affects their ability to learn.
Epidemiological Analysis
A person’s oral health can affect their quality of life. According to the Healthy
People 2020 (2018), using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,
children and adolescents are at high risk for poor oral health. Poor oral health can lead